Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The 10 things I miss most about my small hometown.

Although I love being in Shawnee, I miss the familiar surroundings I had living in a small community. Here are some of the things I miss most:

1. My church family
It has been difficult finding a church that I connect with. 

2. Quiet scenery
At home, I didn't hear traffic, chainsaws, lawnmowers, sirens, and loud talking on a minutely basis. I could control most of the noise I heard, and the skies and open fields made everything more peaceful. 

3. Less traffic
I hate driving. 

4. Being busy
In junior high and high school, I looked forward to the weeks I didn't have anything to do. But now, I get so bored, and I am not easily entertained as some. 

5. Being genuinely concerned when I heard a siren
The campus is right next to a hospital, so I hear sirens on a daily basis. I have gotten to the point that I almost ignore it. At home, I didn't hear sirens often, but when I did, a wave of concern would come over me. 

6. High School basketball
Really, I just miss how the community all came together for basketball games. 

7. Consistent sleep schedule
While my morning routine is pretty consistent, each night I go to bed at a different time for different reasons. Some nights, I may have finished my homework early, so I go to bed early. Other nights, there will be people outside my window or door talking loudly for hours. I miss having a set time that I know I will fall asleep. 

8. The local newspaper
I miss reading news about people I knew and cared about. I also miss writing news   about people I knew and cared about. 

9. My friends
All of them...

10. My family
This is a given.

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