Saturday, July 20, 2013

We are Blessed.

It was the summer before I started 6th grade. I invited a friend over to swim in my inflatable swimming pool. However, she was told she had to spend the day with our new principal's daughter. I asked my mom if I could have two friends over, and she said yes, so later that afternoon, my friend and the "new girl" came over.

I don't really remember my first impression of her, but I do remember that she wanted shredded cheese on her hot dog, and she had never seen Full House before. 

This is the one friendships I do not have a clear memory on how we actually became such close friends, but throughout my 6th grade year, we went to each other's houses nearly everyday, she helped raise and show one of my piglets, she would help me walk my sheep everyday, we sat by each other on bus rides, and we talked about the craziest things.

Towards the end of my 6th grade year, Mckenzie and I were eating breakfast at school. I told her that I had an interesting conversation the night before with my parents. She jokingly asked "You're not moving, are you?" I lied and told her no.

I never brought that conversation up again. Kenzie was one of the main reasons I was sad about switching schools, and I didn't really want to tell her. 

The next four years of our friendship could be summarized very quickly. We maybe and talked to each other 15-20 times. 

But then two years ago, she moved to Cheyenne. Again, I don't remember what rekindled our friendship, but before long, we were just like we were my 6th grade year (minus the pig and sheep parts).

We never really talked about the fact she would be switching schools at the end of my 11th grade year. I was really sad that I wouldn't have my best friend at school my senior year. But thank goodness technology has progressed and we rarely go a week without talking. 

The highlight of our friendship was getting to watch her team win the Class B State Championship in basketball this winter.

This girl inspires me in so many ways. She is a godly friend who will tell me exactly what I need to hear. She encourages me daily. And her love for her family and friends is incredible. I am blessed to have Kenzie in my life. 

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