Friday, July 12, 2013

“A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.”

My mom is a music teacher, so music has always been a major part of my life. God has blessed me with the ability to sing and play the French horn. Because of these talents, I have been able to perform with hundreds of musicians from across the state and nation. However, my favorite people to perform with are at home

I became close friends to these two individuals because my mom saw the potential we had to become good musicians together. My junior year of high school, we participated in a trio that received the highest rating possible on the state level. 

Conner and Kate inspire me because of their incredible musical talent. I have been in numerous duets and trios with these two, and they both have had many individual success. Both Conner and Kate have made the Jr. High All State Chorus as well as the State FFA Chorus. Conner also made the HS All State Chorus this past year. They each qualified for state with their solos. Conner is really good at the trombone and tuba, and I know for a fact they can play piano way better than I can. 

But it's not just their musical talents that inspire. Conner and Kate have unique talents and characteristics that are the very reason they are my best friends. 


We all have at least one friend we love so very much, but every once in a while, you need a little break from them. 

Conner and I can sit for hours complaining about how silly people are. Yet, this kid can quote back to you an entire Scooby-Doo movie. 

Conner and I will get mad at people for talking in band class. Yet, most of the time, we're doing the talking. 

Conner and I will say we will practice out duet without interruption. Yet, we spend most of the time talking about how people need to be more realistic. 

Conner and I will talk about how some people need to let go of grudges. Yet, when one of us gets frustrated, tired, or upset with the other, we completely ignore him/her. 

I go to Conner when I need to vent my frustrations with people. He doesn't judge my hypocritical mind. I love Conner for many reasons, and he will forever be known to me as "Thermostat Boy."

Conner inspires me because he is Conner, and no one can take that from him. 

My Kate

I don't even know where to begin. I love Kate for many many reasons, but I especially love her because she's allowed me to be a "mother hen" to her. 

She doesn't get too mad if I tell her how I feel, but she's never afraid to tell me her side of the story either. 

We have the most random conversations about nothing in particular, and for the most part, we share the same love of music, books, and purple. 

She is a talented basketball player with the potential for extreme greatness, and she has the perfect amount of confidence without being full of herself. 

Kate and I became close just this past year, and I wouldn't trade her for the world. 

Kate inspires me because she challenges me to think in new ways. 


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