Friday, November 22, 2013

Why I am giving up social media...

Lately, I've been pretty gloomy. At first, I thought it was only because I'm three hours away from my family, experiencing stress from college, and lacking sleep. While this probably has a little to do with my mood, this month, I've been evaluating myself. I found the times that I feel most down is when I am on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. I began realizing why I feel down when I am on social media.

Facebook was intended to share ideas, thoughts, and amazing things that have been going on in someone's life. Everything that person shared went to people he or she selected to be his or her Facebook friend. People then morphed Facebook to a place that they use as their way of sharing almost every thought or question that is running through their head. I completely understand that each person can use his or her Facebook in his or own way. I am okay with that. But lately, all I see are posts like:

  • "I am sick."
  • "I am busy."
  • "I am sick and busy."
I truly empathize with these people. But when I see someone sharing amazing things going on in their lives, I can't help but feel like they are faking it. I feel like there has to be something wrong with their life. This provokes sadness, anger, hypocrisy, jealousy, and judgement inside of me. 

Instagram was intended to share pictures. Pictures that inspire. Pictures that capture amazing moments in someone's life. I loved Instagram when I first downloaded it. But then words and phrases like "selfie" and "woman crush Wednesday" came along. I'll admit. These were fun to see at first, but I can't stand them now. 

Two girls can have the exact same followers. Exact. They can each post a "selfie" doing the exact same pose. They can attach the exact same song lyric or Bible verse to the "selfie". But one girl will get more "likes" on her photo than the other.

One girl, who may be extremely beautiful, but has the ugliest personality, can be ten different boys' "#womancrushWednesday". But another girl, who may be the kindest, most loving person, but may not be as physically attractive may never have "WCW" hashtagged next to her name. 

While I rarely post "selfies", seeing other people's and how many "likes" they received have unintentionally made me question my self worth. 

Twitter is probably the less of the three evils. But it creates the illusion that just because I follow someone, I must be their friend. However I may never actually talk to that person in "real life".

Twitter is also a popularity contest. The more followers you have on Twitter, the cooler you are. 

So because of all this, I have decided to give up social media for the month of December. This doesn't mean I don't want to hear/see about my friends life. So please, please, please, if you want me to know about is going on in your life, e-mail me, text me, call me. If you don't have my email or phone number, let me know and I will give it to you. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The 10 things I miss most about my small hometown.

Although I love being in Shawnee, I miss the familiar surroundings I had living in a small community. Here are some of the things I miss most:

1. My church family
It has been difficult finding a church that I connect with. 

2. Quiet scenery
At home, I didn't hear traffic, chainsaws, lawnmowers, sirens, and loud talking on a minutely basis. I could control most of the noise I heard, and the skies and open fields made everything more peaceful. 

3. Less traffic
I hate driving. 

4. Being busy
In junior high and high school, I looked forward to the weeks I didn't have anything to do. But now, I get so bored, and I am not easily entertained as some. 

5. Being genuinely concerned when I heard a siren
The campus is right next to a hospital, so I hear sirens on a daily basis. I have gotten to the point that I almost ignore it. At home, I didn't hear sirens often, but when I did, a wave of concern would come over me. 

6. High School basketball
Really, I just miss how the community all came together for basketball games. 

7. Consistent sleep schedule
While my morning routine is pretty consistent, each night I go to bed at a different time for different reasons. Some nights, I may have finished my homework early, so I go to bed early. Other nights, there will be people outside my window or door talking loudly for hours. I miss having a set time that I know I will fall asleep. 

8. The local newspaper
I miss reading news about people I knew and cared about. I also miss writing news   about people I knew and cared about. 

9. My friends
All of them...

10. My family
This is a given.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Dear High School Senior... (Part 2)

I've been at college for 86 days, and today I finally realized it. It wasn't because of the course work, dorm life, cafeteria food, campus, or the fact that I am 3 hours away from my home. It was because of an Honor Band audition. 
For six years of my musical life, my Octobers and Novembers consisted of WOCDA Honor Choir and auditions, All-State Choir auditions, the occasional Honor Band, National FFA Convention and Nat'l FFA Band (2 years), Pep Band at the home basketball games, and Veterans' Day programs.
This was my favorite time of the year. Going on trips with my favorite people and doing some of my favorite things. 
This year, my October and November have consisted of Pep Band at home football games, Symphonic Winds concerts, and Bisonettes concerts.
While I have loved being a part of this, it's almost like my life has drastically slowed down. 

Dear High School Senior,

You are less than six weeks away from being halfway done with high school.

You've probably been busy with all of your activities, and your probably a little stressed. But you don't really mind, because it takes the focus away from realizing it's your last time to do that. 

In six weeks, you'll really start to develop senioritis. The symptoms of these differ from each person.
You'll either:

  • Quit caring about school
  • Overload yourself with activities

In six weeks, it'll start to settle in that you are a senior. You'll only have five months before you graduate.

In this time, you'll finalize your decision on what you want to do with the rest of your life. You'll figure out what college you want to go to or what job you might want.

People will ask you on a daily basis what you are going to do after high school. You should probably start memorizing the answer to this question.

However, in these next six weeks, you should be calm. Enjoy your last few weeks before the calendar changes to the year you graduate.

Spend time with family. Spend time with friends. Be a high school student. In a year from now, EVERYTHING will be completely different. 

So, unless it's extremely important and time sensitive, don't worry about college or life after high school.

Enjoy the things you like to do, but don't overdo it. 

Sincerely and Love,

P.S.: It's still nice to tell people to have a great day.