Tuesday, July 23, 2013

"A lot of photographers think that if they buy a better camera they’ll be able to take better photographs. A better camera won’t do a thing for you if you don’t have anything in your head or in your heart." – Arnold Newman

One of my favorite things when to do when I am bored is edit pictures. I especially love it when someone sends me a picture to edit for them. I don't really know why I enjoy it, but it gives me something to focus on for a while. 

When I see an incredible image, I almost immedietly pull out my iPhone or camera and take a picture. 

(I took this on the way home from school one day)

I may never do an image justice. And I never expect to make money off of a picture I take. But they hold a special memory of a time that I thought something was especially beautiful. 

Sometimes, when someone sends me a picture, I ask them why they took the picture. Most of the time, it's because they liked what they saw. Sometimes it's because the image is something they love. I love hearing these stories, and I always take that into consideration when I edit their picture. 

              (Taken by Kate Sander)
              (Taken by Makenzie Kelly) 

Photography inspires me to always have a beautiful outlook on life. Each picture is always different for each person. A picture can be worth a thousand words or a thousand smiles. 

Saturday, July 20, 2013

We are Blessed.

It was the summer before I started 6th grade. I invited a friend over to swim in my inflatable swimming pool. However, she was told she had to spend the day with our new principal's daughter. I asked my mom if I could have two friends over, and she said yes, so later that afternoon, my friend and the "new girl" came over.

I don't really remember my first impression of her, but I do remember that she wanted shredded cheese on her hot dog, and she had never seen Full House before. 

This is the one friendships I do not have a clear memory on how we actually became such close friends, but throughout my 6th grade year, we went to each other's houses nearly everyday, she helped raise and show one of my piglets, she would help me walk my sheep everyday, we sat by each other on bus rides, and we talked about the craziest things.

Towards the end of my 6th grade year, Mckenzie and I were eating breakfast at school. I told her that I had an interesting conversation the night before with my parents. She jokingly asked "You're not moving, are you?" I lied and told her no.

I never brought that conversation up again. Kenzie was one of the main reasons I was sad about switching schools, and I didn't really want to tell her. 

The next four years of our friendship could be summarized very quickly. We maybe and talked to each other 15-20 times. 

But then two years ago, she moved to Cheyenne. Again, I don't remember what rekindled our friendship, but before long, we were just like we were my 6th grade year (minus the pig and sheep parts).

We never really talked about the fact she would be switching schools at the end of my 11th grade year. I was really sad that I wouldn't have my best friend at school my senior year. But thank goodness technology has progressed and we rarely go a week without talking. 

The highlight of our friendship was getting to watch her team win the Class B State Championship in basketball this winter.

This girl inspires me in so many ways. She is a godly friend who will tell me exactly what I need to hear. She encourages me daily. And her love for her family and friends is incredible. I am blessed to have Kenzie in my life. 

Saturday, July 13, 2013

"There is hope for the future because God has a sense of humor and we are funny to God." - Bill Cosby

I started school at Cheyenne in 7th grade. I knew of most of my classmates, but I didn't really personally know them. Within the first few weeks, I fit in pretty well, but I still was always quiet and preferred sitting in the back. 

I started noticing that this one kid would drop his books every single day. One day, I made some sort of sarcastic remark to him about it, and after that, we became good friends. 

Mason is the funniest kid I know. Period. The only times there are dullmoments around him are when you need to calm down from laughing so much.

He was the Student Council President, and I was the VP for 3 years. During last year's awards assembly, our StuCo advisor said it best:
"These two work well together. Both have ideas, and they both are not afraid to tell each other how stupid his or her ideas are." 

I've learned how easy it is to work with someone with the same vision as I; however, it's way more fun to work with someone who's ideas contradict. That way, you can work together to come up with an extraordinary compromise - for the most part. 

Mason and I have been together through 6 first day of school assemblies, 12 choir and band concerts, 6 honor choir concerts, 9 One Act performances, hundreds of classes, an 8th grade graduation, 6 end of school assemblies, a high school graduations, and way more other things than I could write. We can debate over American Idol for hours. Mason has learned that no matter what side he takes in a situation, I will always argue the other side. 

Mason inspires me because he challenges me to see the positive and humorous side of things. I cannot wait to see what this kid does in the future. 


Friday, July 12, 2013

“A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.”

My mom is a music teacher, so music has always been a major part of my life. God has blessed me with the ability to sing and play the French horn. Because of these talents, I have been able to perform with hundreds of musicians from across the state and nation. However, my favorite people to perform with are at home

I became close friends to these two individuals because my mom saw the potential we had to become good musicians together. My junior year of high school, we participated in a trio that received the highest rating possible on the state level. 

Conner and Kate inspire me because of their incredible musical talent. I have been in numerous duets and trios with these two, and they both have had many individual success. Both Conner and Kate have made the Jr. High All State Chorus as well as the State FFA Chorus. Conner also made the HS All State Chorus this past year. They each qualified for state with their solos. Conner is really good at the trombone and tuba, and I know for a fact they can play piano way better than I can. 

But it's not just their musical talents that inspire. Conner and Kate have unique talents and characteristics that are the very reason they are my best friends. 


We all have at least one friend we love so very much, but every once in a while, you need a little break from them. 

Conner and I can sit for hours complaining about how silly people are. Yet, this kid can quote back to you an entire Scooby-Doo movie. 

Conner and I will get mad at people for talking in band class. Yet, most of the time, we're doing the talking. 

Conner and I will say we will practice out duet without interruption. Yet, we spend most of the time talking about how people need to be more realistic. 

Conner and I will talk about how some people need to let go of grudges. Yet, when one of us gets frustrated, tired, or upset with the other, we completely ignore him/her. 

I go to Conner when I need to vent my frustrations with people. He doesn't judge my hypocritical mind. I love Conner for many reasons, and he will forever be known to me as "Thermostat Boy."

Conner inspires me because he is Conner, and no one can take that from him. 

My Kate

I don't even know where to begin. I love Kate for many many reasons, but I especially love her because she's allowed me to be a "mother hen" to her. 

She doesn't get too mad if I tell her how I feel, but she's never afraid to tell me her side of the story either. 

We have the most random conversations about nothing in particular, and for the most part, we share the same love of music, books, and purple. 

She is a talented basketball player with the potential for extreme greatness, and she has the perfect amount of confidence without being full of herself. 

Kate and I became close just this past year, and I wouldn't trade her for the world. 

Kate inspires me because she challenges me to think in new ways. 


"When I'm inspired, I get excited because I can't wait to see what I'llcome up with next." - Dolly Parton

Occasionally, I get calls or text messages from from people who just watched a movie, read a book, or listened to a song. They ask "meaning-of-life" questions, and they are inspired to change a part of their world. For example, if the main character in the book became extremely successful, the reader has the desire and inspiration to become just as successful. I get these same inspirations, but more often then not, it's by watching the people that I know personally achieve great things. 

I was the Cheyenne FFA Reporter from 2009 until recently, when I graduated high school. This was ultimately my favorite part about school. I was able to support my fellow FFA officers and members in their activities, and then I got to write articles that were published in the hometown newspaper about the successes the Cheyenne FFA Chapter had. In four years of being a Cheyenne FFA Chapter Officer, I wrote over 300 articles. I loved being able to show the community the successes that the FFA chapter was having. 

Most of the time, I had to ask someone to send me an update about the livestock show or speech contest, but during the last half of my senior year, I would get texts from four different people at once explaining how many plaques were brought home and by whom, and I didn't even have to ask. I'd like to say that these people would text me not because they knew I had to write an article about the event, but because they knew how excited I would get. 

My favorite articles to write were the ones specifically about one person, such as the "Cheyenne FFA Student of the Month". I loved hearing the stories these kids had about their favorite FFA event, and my favorite question to ask was "What are you most excited for in the FFA?". The answers always varied, but all of the members had some specific goal they wanted to accomplish before the end of the school year, and more often than not, the goals were achieved. That was what inspired me. 

Here is a specific example:

My first year to serve as a Cheyenne FFA Officer was in ninth grade. I had two fellow classmates who were also serving as officers, Bray and Joshua Haven. My first article to write was about the newly elected chapter officers. I asked the question, "What are you most excited for in the FFA?" and along the lines, both answered that they would maybe like to run for State FFA Office. Four years later, my last FFA article to write was about the first set of twins to ever serve on an Oklahoma FFA State Officer Team. 

I had the opportunity to serve as an officer with Bray and Joshua for four years. I wrote articles about nearly all of their success. These two boys rarely missed the opportunity to encourage a fellow FFA member to rise up to his or her potential. The Haven twins inspired me. 

I've had several people tell me that I should start a blog and continue to write. I don't know how often I would write, but when I decided I would, I decided to write it the best way I know how-- about the success of other people and why they inspire me.