Monday, June 1, 2015

Things Heard at Junior Camp 2015

Spending the week with kids can be quite entertaining. Last year, I took note of things that were said (#ThingsHeardAtJrCamp), and decided to do the same thing this year.

Are you guys diabolical twins?
She was trying to say "biological," but those two boys could also be diabolical.

Who are you taking to prom?
Kid. You are only 9 years old. That's definitely the least of your worries.

I can't believe that's your real hair.
Sometimes I can't believe it's my real hair, either. 

*Girl fell* "Are you okay?" "Yeah, I just tied my own shoes together."
Cool beans.

I feel like I'm sleeping on a concrete slab.
They were actually somewhat wooden slabs; close enough.

I wear shoes with out socks. It's less laundry for mom.
You have great logic, kid.

He put a glow stick around his ear, and a bug flew in.
No comment.

There's no hot water.
My favorite thing to hear in the morning

Why is someone else's underwear on my bed?
I also found food, bibles, socks, leaves, blankets, and all sorts of things on my bed.

Whose shirt is this!? (Repeat 28x)
We finally found the owner. But then she lost it again.

I don't need to take a shower. I took one last week.
Well. I'd appreciate it if you took one.

[The other sponsor] said I can buy two energy drinks.
Well the other sponsor can sit by you on the way home.