Saturday, October 26, 2013

Dear Unworthy Person,

I was blessed to come from a community and school where I felt respected most of the time, but I have recently seen many posts from people about their child or sibling going through difficult times at schools. Even though I know these kids and how wonderful and amazing they are, I understand why they don't see it in themselves.

It's tough going to a school that is primarily sports focused. You're taught at a very young age that winning is the most important thing, and if you aren't the most talented athlete, (even at 8 years old) you don't get to play that often. At first, it encourages you to keep working hard, but eventually, you get bored. So you find other things that interest you to keep you preoccupied; unfortunately, in elementary school, being talented at things other than sports isn't exactly considered cool. So other kids tease. They laugh. And you give up your interests to be "cool," even if that means sitting on the bench being bored.

So when does the teasing end? I'm not exactly sure. But from what I've noticed, it usually dies when you decide you're tired of being bored, and you want to do the things that interest you. Then you surround yourself with other people who were also tired of being bored.

And if you haven't already,
surround yourself with people who encourage you. They help you become a better person. They keep you accountable. And they pray for you. And they love you.

To the kids who feel unworthy- it'll get better if you allow it. 
To the parents and siblings- Encourage them. Help them become a better person. Keep them accountable. Pray for them. Love them. 

Sunday, October 6, 2013

"In the darkest night, You shine Your light."

Jacob began on a journey and met Rachel. Jacob fell in love with Rachel and wanted to marry her. After working seven years for her, Rachel’s father, Laban, gave Leah, his elder daughter, to Jacob instead. Jacob was upset, but he still loved Rachel. He worked seven more years to marry Rachel. When Jacob finally married her, God saw that Leah was unloved. God allowed Leah to conceive, but Rachel was not able to have children for a period of time. Rachel became jealous and was upset with her husband.

Leah was forced to marry a man who did not love her. This was difficult for her; however she did not seek revenge as Rachel later did when she became jealous of Leah. Leah also did not attempt to make Jacob feel guilty like Rachel did.  Instead, Leah turned her attention to God. God saw this and blessed Leah with numerous children. Leah was desperate to gain Jacob’s affection, but Jacob continued to only love Rachel. Although it was difficult for Leah, she quietly turned her sorrows to God and He blessed her with six sons and one daughter.

We all go through periods of time when we are seeking a relationship. We may want a relationship with a mother, a father, a sibling, a friend, or a significant other. With that, most of us go through times where we feel unloved by someone in our lives. However, when we experience this loneliness, we must turn to God. Leah gave birth to three sons before she fully realized that Jacob was not giving her sons, rather, God was blessing her. Just like He did for Leah, God will love and bless us in our time of need.